Monday, August 22, 2011

The Nexus 3/Nexus Prime

If you've been following us on our Facebook fan page for the past several months, you might remember us posting a link to a story about the at the time rumored Nexus 3 prototype device. It was a huge story about the time and for good reason. It meant the likelihood of an actual 3rd generation Google Nexus device creating excitement for those of us who keep track of things like this. Am I excited? You bet your last dollar on it and I'll tell you you're a winner! Just don't because I don't have any cash to pay you.

Anyway with the time I have left during this fine afternoon I want to tell you a little more about the story from months back.

More after the jump...
The site that picked up the exclusive on this bad boy can be seen written all over the above picture. The buzz created was insane. But there was a problem. The writer of the site in question just happened to be friends with an employee of Google, likely Android's division and said writer was shown the device and allowed to take pictures of what supposed to be top secret prototype. Well that writer just like any other hit the computer and blogged about it. I would've done the same thing. This is where the problem comes in. The Google employee did not want the pictures released. Too late. Out of sheer irony you can search Nexus 3 on Google's image search and up pops the Nexus Prime. What may or may not look like the final product at least.

First thing you'll notice is the lack of soft keys at the bottom of the device. Yep that's right. No soft keys as the Nexus Prime is likely to be an Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich release. Ice Cream Sandwich will combine aspects of Gingerbread 2.3 and Honeycomb 3.0 for tablets. If you've seen a Honeycomb tablet, you'll remember soft keys don't exist on the device. The functioning keys exist at the software level and don't exist until you power up the device.

The Nexus S is rumored to be released some time in October and get this. Verizon seems to be a player. Rumor has it they are testing the device on the network at headquarters. Oh rejoice! Verizon Wireless might allow a sliver of freedom on their very restrictive and pricey network. Oh happy day! Now let's get down to some rumored specs for the soon to be new kid on the block.

1.5 GHz dual-core processor, 720p Super AMOLED HD display, on a 4.5″ PenTile screen.
Supposedly Samsung is in charge of manufacturing the device which is an interesting event considering complaints about the second version of the Nexus series the Nexus S.

As always we'll report more as the rumors and reports come in. In the mean time stay tuned right here to your favorite phone blogging dudes!

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